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Share Your Reason #WhyHear for
a Chance to Win a Fitbit Charge 4™!


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Sorry, the entry period has now ended.

For more information on where to visit for your hearing needs:

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If you or someone you love has hearing loss, it’s not always easy to talk about. But ZoomerMedia, in partnership with HearingLife, wants you to tell us why it’s time to start!

We want to know how hearing loss affects you on a daily basis. Maybe you’d find dinner dates with your partner more fun if you didn’t have to repeat yourself over and over? Or maybe you’d like to watch your favourite show on Netflix without the subtitles?


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Share your reason why you want to break down the stigma around hearing loss, and we’ll give you a chance to win one of three giveaways of a Fitbit Charge 4™!

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Chosen responses will be used in an upcoming #WhyHear campaign. The closing date for entries is August 7, 2020. Enter below!

HearingLife clinics are now open nationwide. For more information on where to visit for your hearing needs:



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Enter your reason #WhyHear!


